Let’s pretend.

Let’s pretend you picked me up from a bar,

From being oh so charismatic.

And I felt fire when you dragged your hand up my arm.

So I followed you,

From the bar,

To the street,

To the cab,

To your hotel,

To your hotel room,

With hard kisses in between,

And all I felt was fire. Again.

Let’s pretend you didn’t see my scars and my flaws,

As you were unzipping my dress,

And as you were kissing every inch of me,

Let’s pretend you weren’t thinking about someone else.

As I was unzipping your pants while pushing you to the bed.

And when I made you wait so I could turn the lights off,

You thought it was a game of trying to find my skin in a dark room.

But it was really so I didn’t have to find out when this ended.

I felt your breath on my neck,

And I pretend that you cared about me,

As I fell on top of you,

And perhaps just for a moment,

I didn’t pretend at all.

I felt your soft touch,

I felt your caution.

I tasted the whiskey on your breath and I can imagine you tasted tequila.

But dark and light liquors don’t mix very well, do they?

And you explored me as I touched your face,

And my hand grazed your five o’clock shadow.

I felt your breathing get quick,

And I knew it was almost over.

So when it was,

I pretended you didn’t ask me to leave.

I pretended you didn’t throw me my clothes and make me hurry.

I pretended you wanted me for more then just an hour.

So I zipped my dress back up,

And as I was closing your hotel door and putting my other heel on,

It had me wondering…

Did you pretend too?

Kiss me like you want to be loved.

“My hearts against your chest,
Your lips pressed to my neck,
I’ve fallen for your eyes,
But they don’t know me yet.”
-Ed sheeran

I love this song. It just explains what love is in its own way. This is what I listen too when I’m down, when I don’t think I’ll find love. Or just when I’m happy.

When I’m happy I enjoy the music.
When I’m sad, I understand the lyrics.

If you just down out the music and listen to the lyrics. You understand how he loves.

Most love is felt with touch. Holding hands, a kiss, a hickey, sex.  It’s all love with touch. And we’ve all known that one crush that turns into love, and you’ve loved them without even touching them, even if you’ve brushed past them a few times.

This part in the lyrics got to me the most. Because I was in this situation many times. And I’ve fantasized about it just as much. But the fantasy is so much better than the reality.
But at the end of the day, it still wasn’t as good as reality.

I have him as my wallpaper, and it’s nothing special. He’s not even looking at the camera. He’s just looking down. He was writing.
I don’t know why but this is one of my favorite pictures. I always smile every time my phone lights up. He reminds me a lot of this song even though we haven’t met yet. We don’t need too. I think he’s going to be in my life for a long time.

This song and most of his songs talk about sex, and yes, morning sex can be great with coffee, but he’s not just talking about sex, he’s talking about being in love. And making love. And his songs speak to me the most. I love the way he put falling in love into the lyrics.
And that’s what I look for. Love is most definitely like a song, at least that’s how I just think of it.
Okay, now I’ll stop bullshitting all of you and go.

Stay classy and sassy my loves.