Thank you for waking me up.

“Maybe I’m loveable,
And maybe I’m your snowflake,
And my eyes turn from green to grey in the winter,
You’ll hold me in a cold place,
And you say I should never cut my hair,
Cause you love the way,
I flick it off my shoulder,
And I will never know how beautiful I am too you;
Maybe I fell in love when you woke me up.”
-wake me up (girl’s perspective)

This is another song I listen to when I’m upset, or happy, or excited, or stressed, any mood really.
It’s a weird song, very different.

It’s more like a story with a lot of pauses. It talks about how the girl doesn’t know how beautiful she is to him. This is something I struggle with constantly. People tell me I’m pretty, beautiful. I don’t believe it. I’m cute, maybe even more than average, but I’m not beautiful. And definitely not gorgeous. That should be saved for someone more exotic like a movie star or model, not me.

it also says in the song something about playing video games, then getting mad and throwing the controller and laughing, then the girl asks if he’s gonna be home next week, and then they get sad and tangled in sheets, because they both know he won’t be. It’s sad, but it’s a happy song, I don’t think it was made to be intentionally sad. And that got to me, because memories come back that I didn’t knew I even remembered anymore.
It also talks about watching the movie Shrek, twelve times.
And then he says “well, maybe you were hoping for a fairy tale too.”
And yes, of course that caught my attention. Because personally I love fairy tales.
This song just talks about being at home. And in love of course.

It says something about being on a beach and carving a rock into a heart and making it into a necklace so whenever the girl breathes, his heart is always against hers.
I thought that was too cute, and I’ve never thought of having a rock or crystal in a necklace in the shape of a heart given to someone as though it was their heart, I just thought it showed that they loved them, but this meaning has so much more. Each song he has is beautiful, especially the one about the small bump when his girl had a miscarriage after four months of being pregnant.

But this song just got to me. I tear up every time I hear it. It’s just simply the things that make him fall in love with her. I’ve also come to realize that most song writers seem like hopeless romantics, like this guy. Well, maybe not. He just simply sings about being in love, and what he fell in love with.
He also says in the song that he drinks too much and gets drunk a lot, but she drinks with him so it’s okay, I don’t know why but I think in a twisted way that’s cute. Even though I’m young, I do love a glass of wine once in a while hidden so my parents don’t find out. It numbs me, when I don’t have anything else to keep me numb. It just helps. And no, for anyone thinking, I’m not an alcoholic or drunk, I just need a little escape once in a while.
his voice in each song is so smooth and soft and I think that’s why I like it, most of the music I listen to, chase coy, Jamestown story, parachute, Jason mraz, it’s all calm, like I have nothing to worry about.

And yes, even I get in that mood for when I feel like dancing in my room to dub step, I also have a playlist for that on my phone too. And I have a grey day playlist, along with country and favorites, which is a mix of everything. Even some rap or hip hop once in a while. And I honestly love to dance. Okay, I’m getting off topic.
But this song has to be one of my favorites and he has to be one of my favorite singers just because he never talks about breakups, or sad things, he just talks about being in love, falling in love, loving someone.

He just enjoys the little things, and that’s what I admire most. the little things, the pictures you take when they aren’t looking, the goodnight and good morning texts that make your day, the memories of their voice and eyes, how their hair falls over their forehead perfectly, never out of place, when they wake up and they have the sleepy voice, the messed up hair, the freckles on their cheeks, every little thing.
Always enjoy the little things, because to me, that’s what makes you fall in love.
Stay classy and sassy my loves.

Kiss me like you want to be loved.

“My hearts against your chest,
Your lips pressed to my neck,
I’ve fallen for your eyes,
But they don’t know me yet.”
-Ed sheeran

I love this song. It just explains what love is in its own way. This is what I listen too when I’m down, when I don’t think I’ll find love. Or just when I’m happy.

When I’m happy I enjoy the music.
When I’m sad, I understand the lyrics.

If you just down out the music and listen to the lyrics. You understand how he loves.

Most love is felt with touch. Holding hands, a kiss, a hickey, sex.  It’s all love with touch. And we’ve all known that one crush that turns into love, and you’ve loved them without even touching them, even if you’ve brushed past them a few times.

This part in the lyrics got to me the most. Because I was in this situation many times. And I’ve fantasized about it just as much. But the fantasy is so much better than the reality.
But at the end of the day, it still wasn’t as good as reality.

I have him as my wallpaper, and it’s nothing special. He’s not even looking at the camera. He’s just looking down. He was writing.
I don’t know why but this is one of my favorite pictures. I always smile every time my phone lights up. He reminds me a lot of this song even though we haven’t met yet. We don’t need too. I think he’s going to be in my life for a long time.

This song and most of his songs talk about sex, and yes, morning sex can be great with coffee, but he’s not just talking about sex, he’s talking about being in love. And making love. And his songs speak to me the most. I love the way he put falling in love into the lyrics.
And that’s what I look for. Love is most definitely like a song, at least that’s how I just think of it.
Okay, now I’ll stop bullshitting all of you and go.

Stay classy and sassy my loves.