Now is your chance, speak up.

Everyone always fantasizes about in the movies, bursting into a church wedding and saying things that you’ve kept inside for years.
This can’t just be me here.
Real life is a funny thing, you know. In real life, saying the right thing at the right time is beyond crucial and never happens. And it’s so crucial in fact that most people hesitate, in fear of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

But what if you don’t say anything at all? What if you miss your chance of saying the right or wrong thing at the right or wrong time?
Then what? Your chance is over, you don’t get it anymore.
You let the moment pass without saying anything at all.

I think we all are going to regret the passing moments where we didn’t speak up,
where we didn’t say “I love you”.

and I’ve stopped doing that this year. I’ve spoken up, I’ve talked to people that I normally wouldn’t even talk to, hell I’ve even told some people off that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.
Or the moments we should have said “I’m sorry”, whether it was to mend one of your broken relationships or a friendship.

But the sad truth is in society,
Is that people who are in love, aren’t together,
And people who are together, are not in love.
And I don’t think I could ever do that, be in a relationship without falling in love.
Just being with someone so you won’t be alone.
That’s not fair to yourself or the other person.
In this New Year I’ve spoken up,
Whether it was telling someone off and being called a bitch.

Or saying “I like you” to someone who I would never thought I would have the privilege of being with.
And I can say that I’m very happy and content with myself.
I still have those days when I panic, when I worry, when I get afraid for the future, and I guess I think of all that at some point in my day, every day.  I think we all do once in a while.

So this is it, this is your chance, speak up.
To the people who are afraid to speak up,
I think you should.
It’s better to know and get rejected then to regret and never know how it would work out,
And it could work out.
Say it to them. Or say it to yourself in the mirror. Say it in a letter you’ll never send or in a book millions might read someday. I think you deserve to look back on your life without a chorus of resounding voices saying “I could’ve, but it’s too late now.”

Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.

What you say might be too much for some people.
Maybe it will come out all wrong and you’ll stutter and you’ll walk away embarrassed, wincing as you play it all back in your head. But I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest.
Because that’s always something I’ve struggled with, I’m a klutz, I can’t tell you how many times a week I fall down stairs. or how many things I replay in my head daily and keep to myself, or when I talk to someone I like, where I can’t finish my sentences, or I stuttered too much or my words come out confusing.
There is a time for silence. There is a time waiting your turn. But if you know how you feel and you so clearly know what you need to say, then say it.
This is your chance, speak up.
Don’t regret it.

Stay classy and sassy my loves.